Monday 1 May 2017

Birmingham Trip

Because Monday was a bank holiday I went to Birmingham. I visited White-Wall Gallery which I found to be the most interesting (although I got told off after a while for taking photos) and then I went to Birmingham Museum and Gallery which I had planned to sketch in but didn't have time however, I did find some Buddhist sculptures which could eventually link to my theme of spirit animals as i may expand into reincarnation. I then visited Water-Hall gallery which is a new modern and contemporary gallery. It was an interesting experience for me and although most of the art wasn't my sort of thing I did find some art that interested me. Finally I went to castle fine art gallery in which I wasn't allowed to take photos ( although I did take a sneaky one) which ended up not being very useful to me artist wise but it did inspire me.
This photo didn't turn out well because of the
glass but I like the way this artist has used thread.
I love the texture in this painting.

I completely fell in love with this artist (Christian Hook)
I love the way he makes abstract marks to make his
work more surreal. He may take the place of
my third artist Valerie Davide.

Although its not something I'm interested
in creating myself I was drawn to these
One of the many Buddhist sculptures
I saw. 

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